
Entity Definition

Logical Name : PromotionDimension

A dimensional entity that identifies and describes promotional initiatives for the purpose of analyzing retail sales and operations.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
PromotionalOfferID (PK) The unique identifier for a promotion. ID_PRM_OFR Identity int
BusinessUnitGroupID A unique system assigned identifier for the BusinessUnitGroup at which the Promotion is valid. ID_BSNGP Identity int
OperatorDisplayName Text to be displayed to the Operator. NM_PRM_OPR Name varchar(40)
CustomerDisplayName Text to be displayed to the customer. NM_PRM_CT Name varchar(40)
ReceiptPrinterName Text to be printed on the receipt NM_PRM_PRT Name varchar(40)
EffectiveDate The first date and time that this promotion is effective. DT_PRM_EF EffectiveDateTime datetime
ExpiryDate The last date and time that this promotion is effective. DT_PRM_EP ExpirationDateTime datetime
StatusCode Indicates the current status of this PromotionalOffer. Example values are: A - Active I - Inactive P - Pending C - Canceled. CD_STS_PRM Code2Status char(18)
UpSellTypeCode A code that indicates how up selling is to be performed. TY_UP_SELL Code2 char(2)
ConcurrenceCode A code denoting how this promotion works in relation to other promotions. Sample values: STAND_ALONE - Promotion applies only if no other promotions are applied JOINT - Promotioin applies along with others TY_CNCRN Code2 char(2)
RewardDerivationRuleID A identifier for a specific price derivation rule. ID_RU_PRDV Identity int
RewardDerivationRuleEligibilityID A unique identifier for a Price Derivation Rule Eligibility. ID_EL_PRDV Identity int
PromotionalOfferDerivationDescription Short description of this promotional offer reward derivation rule. This may be used for reporting and analysis as a short hand way to describe promotions. DE_PRM_PRDV DescriptionShort varchar(255)
CampaignID Token ID for a Campaign ID_CMPGN Identity integer
CampaignName Business name for a Campagin NM_CMPGN DescriptionShort varchar(255)
CampaignStatusCode Indicates current status of a Campaign Example values include: A - Active I - Inactive P - Pending (set up but not implemented) C - Canceled CD_STS_CMPGN Code2Status char(2)
PromotionName Business name of a promotion. NM_PRM DescriptionShort varchar(255)
PromotionalInitiativeID A token ID for a retailer's PromotionInitiative instance. ID_PRML_INITV Identity int
PromotionInitiativeName A business name for the promotion initiative. NM_PRML_INITV DescriptionShort varchar(255)
PromotionNarrative A short narrative description of the promotion initative that explains its purpose, a high level view of how it works and other infromation to help business users understand it. NA_PRML_INITV DescriptionNarrative varchar(4000)
PromotionInitiativeTypeCode Defines a specific category of promotion initiative. See PromotionInitiativeType entity definition for a list of examples. CD_PRML_TYP Code varchar(20)
PromotionInitiativeEffectiveDateTime Date and time a promotional initiative starts DT_EF EffectiveDateTime datetime
PromotionalInitiativeExpirationDateTime Date and time a promotion initiative ends DT_EP ExpirationDateTime datetime
PromotionalInitiativeStatusCode The status of this PromotionInitiative instance. Sample values: A = Active i = Inactive P = Pending (for promotion initiatives to be launched in the future) CD_STS_PRML_INITV Code2Status char(2)
HolidayName The name ofr the Holiday instance NM_HLDY Name varchar(40)
HolidayDescription Short narrative description of the Holiday. DE_HLDY DescriptionShort varchar(255)
ReligionFamilyCode Abrahamic religions 2 Indian religions 3 Iranian religions 4 East Asian religions 5 African diasporic religions 6 Indigenous traditional religions 7 Historical polytheism 8 Mysticism and Occult 9 Neopaganism 10 New religious movements 11 Left-hand path religions 12 Fictional religions 13 Parody or mock religions 14 Others CD_RLGN_FMY Code varchar(20)
ReligionName Name of religion sect within a religion family. 1 Abrahamic religions 1.1 Babism 1.2 Bah�'� Faith 1.3 Christianity 1.3.1 Other groups 1.4 Druze 1.5 Gnosticism 1.6 Islam 1.7 Judaism 1.8 Rastafari movement 1.9 Mandaeans and Sabians 1.10 Samaritanism 1.11 Shabakism 2 Indian religions 2.1 Ayyavazhi 2.2 Bhakti movement 2.3 Buddhism 2.4 Din-i-Ilahi 2.5 Hinduism 2.6 Jainism 2.7 Meivazhi 2.8 Sikhism 3 Iranian religions 3.1 Manichaeism 3.2 Mazdakism 3.3 Mithraism 3.4 Yazd�nism 3.5 Zoroastrianism 4 East Asian religions 4.1 Confucianism 4.2 Shinto 4.3 Taoism 4.4 Other 5 African diasporic religions 6 Indigenous traditional religions 6.1 African 6.2 American 6.3 Eurasian 6.4 Oceania/Pacific 6.4.1 Cargo cults 7 Historical polytheism 7.1 Ancient Near Eastern 7.2 Indo-European 7.3 Hellenistic 8 Mysticism and Occult 8.1 Esotericism and mysticism 8.2 Occult and magic 9 Neopaganism 9.1 Syncretic 9.2 Ethnic 10 New religious movements 10.1 Creativity 10.2 New Thought 10.3 Shinshukyo 11 Left-hand path religions 12 Fictional religions 13 Parody or mock religions 14 Others NM_RLGN Code varchar(20)
SecularCelebrationEventCode Code that defines a secular celebration event. Examples: EARTHDAY SPRING_SOLSTICE VALENTINESDAY MOTHERSDAY FATHERSDAY CD_SCLR_CLBRTN_EV Code varchar(20)
ISOCountryCode The ISO-3166-1 two letter code denoting a locality in which the retailer does business. CD_CY_ISO Code2 char(2)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
PromotionDimension is 5th concurrent offer SalesReturnFact
PromotionDimension is 4th concurrent offer SalesReturnFact
PromotionDimension is third concurrent offer SalesReturnFact
PromotionDimension is second concurrent offer SalesReturnFact
PromotionDimension is first offer SalesReturnFact

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